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Automatic Assessment of Animal Quality in Pigs

A Core Component in Carcass Evaluation

Image processing is a crucial part of pig carcass evaluation, especially in the detection of ear necrosis and tail tip necrosis. These diseases can affect meat quality and may be caused by inadequate husbandry conditions. One technology used in pig carcass evaluation is the use of 3D cameras. These cameras capture not only 2D images but also 3D data of the animal. They can be used to measure the tail length of the animal, which is essential to determine the impact of tail tip necrosis on meat quality. Another example is the use of specialized algorithms trained to automatically detect signs of ear necrosis and tail tip necrosis.

Ensuring Quality Enhancement

These algorithms can expedite disease detection and improve meat quality by ensuring that only animals without these diseases enter the sale. It is also possible for these algorithms to be trained to detect any skin lesions if desired.

This can help improve meat quality and reduce costs in carcass evaluation. However, it is essential to note that image processing technology is continuously evolving to achieve more accurate results. There is also limited data on the accuracy of these technologies, and the specific algorithms must be trained accordingly to achieve high precision and reliability.

It is also necessary to ensure that the image processing technology adheres to ethical standards and requirements.

Fully Automated Quality Control of Selected Animal Welfare Indicators:

  • Joint Decubitus
  • Tail Necrosis
  • Ear Necrosis
  • Tail Length
  • Trail Marks

Further Applications in the Animal Industry

Cutting Meat in a Defined Way

In this study, a knife is attached to a robot arm that cuts the meat against the direction of the conveyor belt's movement. The cut is individually calculated based on a camera system that relies on the optical features on the meat's surface. If the inner structure of the meat differs from the surface, the robot's cut may lead to efficiency losses in the deeper meat area.


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Shape and Foreign Body Detection

Digital image processing allows objects to be captured in 2D or 3D regardless of their position. Our systems offer simultaneous control of products regarding:


  • Quality
  • Foreign bodies
  • Color
  • Geometry
  • Counting
  • Identification
  • Position

Quality assurance identifies defective products, while foreign body detection detects undesirable objects. Color detection verifies color properties, geometry analysis ensures predefined standards, and counting captures the number of products. The identification function recognizes specific products or batches, and position detection verifies precise placement or compliance with boundaries. Our systems use advanced digital image processing for reliable shape and foreign body detection in product control.

Easy-to-Use User Interface

Sie haben die Qualitätskontrolle immer selbst in der Hand. Unsere Benutzungsoberfläche ist leicht zu bedienen und wird komplett auf Ihre Wünsche angepasst.

  • Einfach zu bedienen
  • Echtzeitvisualisierung
  • Einstellbare Qualitätsstufen
  • Automatische Berichterstellung

Blood Measurement in Pigs

Task: Determination of the drained blood in pigs after stunning.

Solution: Determination of the fill level in the closed stainless steel container using a thermal imaging camera.




  • Monitoring the slaughter process using a thermal imaging camera (thermocamera)
  • Accurate determination of the drained blood volume after stunning the animal.
  • Real-time transmission of information to the on-site employee.
  • Highly efficient evaluation with database integration.
  • Recording unit with illumination, protected for harsh environments.
  • Detailed automatic report generation.
  • Autonomous testing & warning system for system conditions.
  • Sorting into up to 5 quality levels - individually adjustable.




  • Flexibly adaptable to environmental conditions.
  • Integration into existing systems.
  • Neutral evaluation of each master.
  • Individually customizable.
  • Animal welfare improvement.
  • 100% control.


  • Automatic generation of daily evaluations.
  • Integration of evaluation on tablet/smartphone

Your contact for PigInspector

The sales team is available to answer any questions you may have.

We will also be happy to provide you with a quote for your system.
Just get in touch with us.



Tel. +49 2505 93620-40

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