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[Translate to English:] Verpackungsindustrie

Packaging Industry


Camera System for Automatic Documentation of Pallets

Time pressure and product variety - these are two constant companions in the picking process. Missing items can lead to complaints or claims. But was the error actually in your goods dispatch, or was the pallet actually sent out completely? These are questions that need to be clarified in case of a complaint. But how? The DokuStation provides a solution to these and similar frequently occurring questions with its system for the automatic documentation of your picked pallets.

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Pick & Place

Robotics and image processing are two essential technologies increasingly being used in the packaging industry. By employing robots and advanced image processing systems, the efficiency of packaging processes can be increased, and the quality of packaging can be improved simultaneously. Robots are capable of performing many tasks quickly and precisely. For instance, they can accelerate product packaging by automatically handling the placement of products into packaging. This allows companies to increase their production rate while reducing the error rate.